
Welcome To Our School

Gascoyne Junction Remote Community School is situated in the Shire of the Upper Gascoyne some 174 kilometres away from the coastal town of Carnarvon. The school caters for a small cohort of students, from kindergarten to Year 12, residing in the town proper, Woodgamia Community and local pastoralist stations.

We provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for all students and staff. We encourage discussion and open communication with parents, carers and community members to provide the best possible learning experience for our students.

Experienced, knowledgeable staff differentiates the curriculum to cater for individual needs within an engaging, rich learning environment. The school has a strong focus on numeracy and literacy as well as improving school attendance through the use of incentive based programs.

Respect is the key value we use to define appropriate student behaviour and understandings about learning, working and living together. Respect Cards are used to acknowledge positive behaviours by students and are an intricate part of supporting the Code of Conduct through meaningful, easy to understand goals and behaviours. This is a whole school initiative.

Our school provides students with the opportunity to investigate and learn by connecting with relevant and current programs from around Australia and around the world. All students have access to computer workstations, laptops and iPads to support their needs. Each class is supplied with the latest in touch screen, fully integrated monitors to help facilitate and coordinate learning.

We promote healthy lifestyle choices and all students participate in a daily fitness program targeting cardio-respiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, game skills and teamwork.


Our Vision

“In partnership with children, family, community, local business and service providers, we work strategically to encourage happy, resilient students who are courageous enough to choose and to be successful in their chosen pathway.
We foster excellence by discovering each child’s unique potential and providing a range of quality, evidence based educational programmes facilitated by high quality staff.


Our Philosophy

All planning and pedagogy at Gascoyne Junction Remote Community School are founded on best practice and evidence based research and underpinned by The Education Department’s focus for 2019 and the Classroom First policy for Government Schools.

The collaborative and cooperative interaction between staff and students influences learning. Therefore, staff plan together frequently utilising and then analysing evidence based
programmes to refine and build student learning.

The family is instrumental in facilitating the acquisition of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of the child. Therefore, we communicate regularly with all concerned stakeholders to structure a range of developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory experiences to challenge and extend each child cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically.

Our school is unique. Therefore, we acknowledge the benefits of our context and are proactive in sourcing opportunities in which students can engage to test their capabilities.

Every student is unique. Therefore, we acknowledge each person’s individuality by providing experiences that are relevant and meaningful in encouraging each to their potential.

Unique school, Unique students, A world of opportunities